IQ Option tournaments – trading tournaments with real money prizes. What you can win? Why you should try them and why it’s worth it to win them.
Table of Contents
About IQ Option Tournaments and prizes
Tournaments on IQ Option are really exciting. IQOption is one of the few brokers to offer trading tournaments. You can win real prizes. The contest prize is credited to your real account. As the prize is real money, this money increases your account balance. The great thing about IQ Option competitions is that winning tournaments can quickly grow your real balance with a little investment.
The rules of IQ Option tournaments.
If you enter the tournament, you will be provided with a set amount of money, i.e: $100. Then your contest account is credited with i.e: $10,000 but virtual money.
The traders are listed on the leaderboard as soon as the tournament starts. If you lose all your initial money you will be offered a rebuy. If you are familiar with poker tournaments it is nothing new for you. Usually, the rebuy is the same as the initial entry fee. To explain it more clearly, the rebuy is the real money deposit. This deposit reloads your initial tournament account balance.
The best tournament players are at the top of the leaderboard.

Please bear in mind that the rules of these tournaments may vary and change from time to time.
Can you join tournaments in progress?
Yes, you can join the tournament in progress. Bear in mind that you will have less time than other players.

Are IQ Option tournaments difficult to win?
Let’s be clear. IQ Option tournaments are fun and exciting. It’s like a game. Most traders will lose their virtual money quickly but there is always a group of traders you can’t ignore. They are really competitive and experienced. For example, there are a lot of Russian traders. They usually finish IQ Option tournaments high on the leaderboard. Only a handful of the top traders share the prize pool. Usually, it’s 10-30 of the best competitive players. It’s difficult to say which assets are the most popular. Some traders prefer Options other traders use a mix of different investment instruments.
What types of tournament can you participate in on the IQOption platform?
You can participate in the following types of tournaments:

- Common tournaments
- Free tournaments
- Unique or special tournaments
Usually, there are common or regular tournaments. From time to time there are unique tournaments like exciting Helloween contests or tournaments lined up with big sports events.
What are the free tournaments on IQ Option?
If you are a beginner or do not want to invest real money you can enter a free weekly investment contest. This is a good place to practice before you enter a real tournament. You can experience a real tournament without investing money. It gives you the thrill of real competition. Maybe you be lucky and even win the tournament:-) Remember, that it’s not easy as there are a lot of participants in these free tournaments.
How to be at the top of the leaderboard in IQ Option contest?
There is no strategy you can follow to be sure of the top place. Your main focus should be to grow your account balance and not lose money over the tournament period. As the contest is about to close and you are not near the top of the leaderboard you probably should go with the “ALL IN” poker strategy. You then should probably use the riskiest assets like Options.
At the end of the competition, it’s good to evaluate your strategy and learn from your mistakes or successful trades. I am sure you will grow your funds the next time you enter the tournament.
Are IQ Option Tournaments popular?
Yes, IQ Option tournaments are very popular. Especially the free ones. It’s quite difficult to be the top player and some traders are very competitive.
Recap – IQBroker competitions/contest
IQ Option trading is a trading platform that has been around for over 10+ years and is still growing in popularity. If you’re new to options trading, then you probably have a vague idea of what it’s all about. It involves selling a certain stock on a specific date, at a specific price. How is this useful? Well, for one thing, it helps you make better choices regarding when to buy a stock or when to sell. Also, it helps you develop strategies and methodologies for making better decisions and generally becomes an education in itself.
If you’re interested in getting into the world of financial trading, then it’s important to join one of the many IQOption trading competitions out there. There are a variety of different IQ Option Tournaments available, and each offers its own set of benefits and advantages. However, here is how you can join in on one of these contests and improve your trading strategies.
When you participate in an IQ Option tournament, you will be able to test yourself against some of the best professionals in the industry who are considered experts in their fields. You’ll get a chance to trade against some of the biggest names in options trading and learn a lot from it. You should definitely consider taking part in an IQ Option tournament sometime, as they give you a great opportunity to get the help of some of the best trading professionals in the business.